Selected work

Resource 3

Resource 3

June 26, 2018
Resource 2

Resource 2

June 26, 2018
Resource 1

Resource 1

June 26, 2018

“I love Diane! Her children’s yoga training was awesome! She had great energy and was very kind and understanding. The book I got from the training is an amazing resource as well. I highly recommend Diane and this training.”

Judy, Yoga Studio Owner

“This training is brilliant-whether you are a teacher or not! Courtney teaches from her heart, combining her love of children and mindfulness. Thank you for teaching me another way to connect with children and their world.”

Priscilla, School Principal

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Ithaca, New York

Contact Diane Hamilton for activities in Ithaca NY. Visit our contact page.

Arcata, California

Contact Courtney Schroeder for activities in Arcata, CA. Visit our contact page.