“The yoga class Courtney leads is the most beautiful piece of teaching I have ever seen. She is so present, so filled with love, so playful, so willing to let each child be where he or she is at. She is a joy to watch.”
“I am so grateful that my daughter has yoga with Diane each week. She comes home and teaches (my partner and me) how to stay calm. She says we need to practice breathing.”
Story Time Yoga – All Ages
July 10, 10:30 am at Berkshire Free Library, 12519 NY-38, Berkshire, NY 13736
Courtney Schroeder
Courtney, mother of four (from toddler to teen), has 17 years of experience working with children in a variety of secular, spiritual & therapeutic settings, including public school classrooms, Buddhist Centers, and her private preschool and yoga business.
Diane Hamilton
Diane Hamilton has been teaching yoga to children since 2003. After taking a leave of absence from her veterinary career in 2005 to heal from Stage 3 cancer, it became evident that teaching yoga to children would be her life’s work.
Special Events & Birthdays
Include a yoga station at your next fund raiser or let Little Buddhas lead your next birthday party!
Yoga Camps
Our McKinleyville, CA location offers yoga camps for kids during summer, school breaks, and school-out days.
Classes & Private sessions
Our classes bring yoga to children from toddler to teen through song, games, yoga storytelling, & more.
Teacher Trainings
Our trainings are perfect for parents, social workers, occupational therapists, preschool, grades teachers and more.
Librarian Training
Develop your staff and in-house programs with a session on Yoga Story Time, Literacy Through Movement and more.
Host an interactive educational library workshop covering recent research and take-home tools for families.
Library Events
Drive attendance, add fun, or introduce yoga to children and families at your library’s next event or fundraiser.