
Conscious and Connected
Our individualized consultation can be used to help create a mindful classroom environment, promote positive staff and student culture and more.
Contact Us to schedule a consultation or learn more.
In-School Consultations
We custom-design yoga class plans specifically for your curriculum needs, be it basic academic enrichment, common core standards or case study expansion. Class plans are available at all grade levels and can include movement, mindfulness, breathing, visualization, self-study, relaxation and meditation, and are provided with video, audio and written instruction as desired.
Evaluate your vision for your team and institution. Where are the cultural strengths and weaknesses? Where can an ability to connect with one’s own feelings and needs, and empathically communicate with others help serve improved or cost-saving operations? Develop a strategy for buy-in and plan sustainable programs based on your culture and budget. Diane’s career in Human Resources supports strategic analysis on the administrative level.
Individualized consultation to create a mindful classroom environment, including tools, techniques, supplies, and a week by week program designed to meet the needs of any classroom from preschool through 12th grade.
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