Classes & Programs

Conscious and Connected
Classes & Programs
Let us bring yoga to your school or classroom. Yoga, songs, games, yoga, storytelling, breathwork, mindfulness activities, group and partner activities are just the beginning.
Contact Us to schedule a class or learn more.
Class & Program Descriptions
Before and after-school programs are available at all grade levels and for mixed ages, with or without a theme. These programs may be sponsored by the administration, a community non-profit, or the PTA/PTO. Programs are usually 6-12 weeks, although one-time and full-year programs are also available.
Some popular themes include:
- Yummy Yoga
- Yoga and Biology
- Yoga and Running
- Outdoor Yoga
- AcroYoga
- Yoga and Community Service
- Mindful Me
- Mindful Eating
- Knowing My Senses
- My Wonderful Self…and more!
Assemblies include yoga stories, musical yoga, breathwork and mindfulness activities, relaxation exercises, and interactive demos. These work best with a sound system, stage or gymnasium. For assemblies, we often partner with local musicians, and we recommend isolating age groups such as K-2 and 3-5.
Research shows that meetings are more efficient and effective when participants are present, relaxed and focused. Research also shows that 10 minutes of guided mindfulness can help create these changes in mindset and physicality. We will come in to start your meetings with chair yoga, centering, or mindfulness, geared toward increasing your communication and productivity. We tailor our approach to the school. We also lead team-building for an entire meeting, with creative activities for finding calm and connection in any setting. Our goal is to inspire educators through the experience so that they want to share a similar experience with children in their classroom.
“The yoga class Courtney leads is the most beautiful piece of teaching I have ever seen. She is so present, so filled with love, so playful, so willing to let each child be where he or she is at. She is a joy to watch.”
“After a series of mindfulness sessions with Little Buddhas, my seven-year-old child with high functioning autism observed his 4-year-old brother having a tantrum, and he said to me, ‘He needs to go learn some yoga exercises.’”</span
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